Monday, April 30, 2007

Spiderman 3

Well, Spiderman 3 is just around the corner and I'm looking forward to it. I've been really happy with the Spiderman films, as comic movies go. With a little luck and some massaging of the work schedule, I'll get to see it when it hits theaters on Friday. Today, though, I decided to dig into the bowels of my archives and bust out some Spiderman goodness from the last film.

I warn you now that this is about the dorkiest thing you're apt to see today, and if you don't think you can take it, turn back now.

I have a friend named Matt who is a very talented artist (euphemism for "unemployed"). Matt also happens to be very twisted, and where these two traits intersect there is ALWAYS something good to come out of it. One of Matt's more entertaining hobbies is whipping up the most ridiculous costumes he can cobble together and going to movie premieres. This is usually reserved for Star Wars films, and I've observed, but not participated. KFC Bucket Boba Fett with two-liter soda bottles taped together is nigh-legendary, as are the stormtroopers wearing armor composed entirely of paper plates. Darth Vader with an office calculator Velcroed to his chest, though, would be my personal favorite.

But once... ONCE... the costuming was too hilarious and the opportunity too good to pass up... and that was for Spiderman 2. There was a standing plan for a group of us to see the midnight showing; we gathered in preparation at my house, and the moment I opened the front door and Matt was already in costume, I knew he was finally going to get me to join in the silliness. I couldn't stop laughing the entire time-- and now you shall all see a tiny little chapter of my shame, because I swore I'd do daily updates for a week, and I didn't have time to work on anything else I've wanted to put up here.

Who I am is not important. Just know that I'm in there and that we got a rousing ovation when we walked into the theater.

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